Goodmorning i recently found out who tanner mayes…

Goodmorning, i recently found out who tanner mayes is. Ive talked to her for about a year on facebook but
But knewher by the name of Aniyah Rodriguez. I had no idea she was in the porn business, when i found out,
I was in complete shock, im very hurt have had no vontact with her atcall because she deleted her fb.
I just hope and pray that the prayers for her to open her eyes and get away from that world she is tangleg in.
She is a very loving and thoughtful young woman. Any advice?

2 thoughts on “Goodmorning i recently found out who tanner mayes…”

  1. I haven’t thought about Tanner in a VERY long time… I never met her personally, but I’ve known OF her issues over the years and have always hoped she’d get her life to less dangerous level.

    Tanner has been extensively targeted over the years (in my opinion) and bullied. I’ve always suspected that evil pornographer Jeff Mullin / Will Ryder had a lot to do with the negativity she’s faced…

    I’ll share my thoughts with you on your situation on my live webcast tomorrow night at 10pm EST

    1. Ok ill watch it. Im really sad i had no idea about her life because she didntvshare too much. I offered her a simple life and she seemed excited but i have a feeling she is still caught up in that evil web of porn. She always said i helped her in so many ways. I am hurt and feel really bad if id only known.

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