A couple recent live streams… the first goes…

A couple recent live streams… the first goes into detail about some racism and bigotry I recently contended with within an online “community” (a community that seeks to remain predominantly a “whites only boys club”) and the second is just me catching up my viewers with what’s going on in my life…


I no longer support the #BlackLivesMatter movement it…

I no longer support the #BlackLivesMatter movement – it enables a slave plantation mentality

Alex Mayers of Political News Time explains a bit as to why she can no longer support the Black Lives Matter political movement – the primary reason being that she’s come to realize that her life (the life of an authentic Black American WOMAN) doesn’t matter to the movement.

I want my general followers to know that it’s clear that I do not matter to those who are pushing the movement in the name of agendas that have nothing to do with me.

A word about Xbiz Alec Helmy sex trafficking…

A word about Xbiz, Alec Helmy, sex trafficking, racism, Pornwikileaks & the group behind “Kelli Roberts”.

I’m not allowing them to lie about me anymore.

THIS is what #BlackLivesMatter really means (& is why disingenuous trash that enables racism BOTH in the adult industry and society as a whole hijacked the movement).

Click here for additional information on this situation along with evidence.