Trumps’ narcissim Democrats’ criticism of Obama & the…

Trumps’ narcissim, Democrats’ criticism of Obama & the Catch 22 of Biden – Omarosa’s book is the key

Talib Kweli Greene pens the MUST READ essay…

Talib Kweli Greene pens the MUST READ essay: “Why #ADOS Is Trash. Receipts Attached.”

PORN LAW NEWS an OBSCENITY case foundation may…

PORN LAW NEWS – an OBSCENITY case foundation may already be in place against D&E Media ABUSEOGRAPHY

Alex Mayers reviews a situation in regards to adult content studio D&E Media (aka Ghetto Gaggers aka Latina Abuse aka Facial Abuse aka Radical Jizzlam – KNOWN for extreme depictions of violence against women which has been reported as being ACTUAL violence) being deemed LEGALLY by an Office of the United States government (the Patent and Trademark office) as being “vulgar” and “offensive”.

Visit this link to for more information:

LIVE from my “mother’s basement” I’m here to…

LIVE from my “mother’s basement”, I’m here to share a quick message about the all new http://PNTLIVE.NET – along with a message as to why no one should ever be ashamed to make the decision to rebuild their life if needed – that’s what I’ve had to do, so trust me – YOU can do it too as long as you believe in yourself.