Christian Activist Shelley Lubben has NOT been discredited – her critics . Plus 3 new music releases from Alexandra Melody Mayers.

I’ve refrained from moving forward on my commentary on Shelley’s book and her years of activism because I thought for certain by now that more of mainstream media would have covered her death and the circumstances within her life tied to the political face of the porn industry I believe may have led to her untimely death. It’s been nearly a month however – and there hasn’t been any coverage at all…so I’m moving forward with ensuring that at least my readers and listeners are a bit more familiar the good Shelley’s done over the years and the goodness she embodied.

I am disgusted that since Shelley’s death her critics, opposition, stalkers and bullies have had the nerve to attempt to claim that her work and efforts have been “discredited” and/or “debunked”. They have not – and from my perspective her untimely death is solid evidence that much of what she stated about the adult entertainment industry is true.

Christian Activist Shelley Lubben has NOT been discredited – her critics . Plus 3 new music releases from Alexandra Melody Mayers.