I’ll be taking a few days maybe longer…

I’ll be taking a few days (maybe longer) away from Twitter and other social media due my needing to complete a few projects before the end of the month along with my realizing that if I don’t take care of a certain problem (a problem that I’d have thought a man would have tackled by now) no one else will.

If someone had told me when I was in my teens, 20’s or even 30’s that I’d develop into the person I am today at 41 years old, I’d never have believed it… but the fact is I love the person I am today and I love my family (especially my Mother, Father and Sister) very much.

I took these selfies last night. My body has never looked like this before. When I was younger I was thin, but not what I’d consider today as “fit”. I think if I continue working out as I have, I could have a future as a mature fitness model. I’m definitely considering getting certified as a personal trainer…

Happy New Year cutting nicotine & alcohol completely…

Happy New Year – cutting nicotine & alcohol completely out of my life & the possibility of a NEW Pink Cross

Alexandra Mayers welcomes the New Year by sharing about how she completely cut alcohol and nicotine from her life as of September 26, 2019. This year she is contemplating launching a new foundation (similar to The Pink Cross) to help pornstars assimilate back into the “real world”. In addition through the year Alex will share some fitness and health tips as she trains to run a marathon.

Look for a series of stretching videos from Alexandra Mayers this month which will also allow you to watch her body transformation week by week (she had to briefly stop exercising as she utilized a fairly controversial method to quit smoking cigarettes and drinking – January 2nd was her first day back to exercising).

Follow Alexandra Mayers on twitter @AlexMayersLive to learn more.


Clearing the cigarettes alcohol & toxic past out…

Clearing the cigarettes, alcohol & toxic past out of your present & future.

I’m thinking either this weekend or early next…

I’m thinking either this weekend or early next week I’ll resume the daily video podcast www.PoliticalNewsTime.com – I took a break from the project due to the threat of Hurricane Dorian (fortunately my location wasn’t effected).

Though it’s been well over a week since the threat of the hurricane, I’ve taken some time to re-think how I want to live my life for the next few years – and have reached some conclusions (which in turn have led me to make a plan which I’m currently in the execution phase of).

Though over the years I’ve made some connections on social media which I’m grateful to have had, I’ve decided that it’s time to completely sever ties socially with individuals who are linked to, support, communicate with and/or who promote areas of the entertainment industry which have brought severely toxic energies into my life. I’m not judging the individuals who are connected to energies that aren’t compatible with the type of person I’ve developed into – however at this stage in my life I’m no longer out to save the world or impose my will upon others.

I feel my audience has grown so large that it’s hindered, rather than helped my personal, professional and spiritual development – so if anything I’m hoping that those who’ve followed me for whatever reason over the years move on to becoming acquainted with other interesting individuals who are actively seeking to grow their audience, social media presence and who are seeking attention.

I’m no longer in the mode of requiring attention, validation or love. Today I feel more grounded and complete than I ever have in the past and I truly love (and respect) myself.

Today every action I take as an educator and artist, is simply because it makes ME feel good. I believe I’ve finally outgrown being a “people pleaser” (which is the only reason I found myself in entertainment to begin with).

It’s funny, because as a child I was constantly saying “look at me, look at me!” – but now as a solid adult, I’m saying “Nothing to see here folks, keep moving right along…”


I’ve decided to quit smoking for the next…

I’ve decided to quit smoking for the next 20 years at least… Why? Well, I don’t feel that being a fat smoking woman in her 40’s is exactly a “good look” – therefor I’m doing all I can to be the opposite 🙂 I figure letting myself go in my 60’s or 70’s will be alright, but for the next couple of decades I want to continue holding it together.

In addition, I’m planning to do quite a bit of traveling this Spring which will involve some rather physical activity, so I need to amp up my fitness level just a bit (and in order to do so cutting cigarettes out of my life is a must).

I’ve never been a heavy smoker – only light to medium (in frequency). I quit “cold turkey” and am past the “cravings” stage for the most part. Already I can see a dramatic improvement in my workout performance (though I had to take a while off from the gym upon quitting smoking initially – due to my body readjusting).

As of late I’ve been trying to get in a work out either at the gym, park or beach 4 times a week.

I’m strongly considering finding a canine companion around the fall because it would be nice to have the company when I go jogging, hiking or camping. I’m not sure which breed is for me this time around…(I definitely want an athletic and intelligent Dog that is perfectly suited for me at this phase in my life) so I’ll be researching the various breeds extensively over the next few months. I’m thinking an Australian Shepherd might be a good match for the type of person I am today, but we’ll see…

Alexandra Mayers outdoors 01

Alexandra Mayers gym progress 02

Alexandra Mayers LIVE: Advice for entertainers & social media stars

A piece of advice for entertainers & social media stars – don’t get lost within yourself (meaning the character or persona you present to the world) – because often that’s how you can wind up finding yourself in trouble.

Below are a couple of recent video podcasts…

Below are a couple of recent video podcasts I’ve put together. The first video is in regards to the reality of the jealousy young entertainers often contend with (I made the podcast specifically for a couple of young women I’ve been concerned about). The second video is just a few highlights from my day at the beach yesterday. Enjoy 🙂
