Thoughts on the “Divide & Conquer” tactics Blacks face in various industries & my first Alexandra Mayers LIVE MUSIC tinkering session on Youtube

North Miami Accountability

It’s time to take accountability.
Look at all that you’ve done,
You won’t get far if you run.

Time to take some damn responsibility.
The game is over and I won.

I heard you’re down in North Miami.
Word is you’re running out of money.
Boy, It’s time to take accountability.
Don’t try to run…
Just face the fact that you failed.

Your life is DONE.

Your life is DONE.

Your life is DONE.

But BITCH your life is DONE.

North Miami Accountability was initially written in anger as a poem, but now has been set to an original musical track (composed and performed by Alexandra Mayers of The exclusive “clean version” edited specifically for the Christian Pornstar spiritual, thought and art movement can be found on

At some point in the future an extended version of this song including some spoken word / rap will be posted.

David Gunn of King 810 – an Alexandra…

David Gunn of King 810 – an Alexandra Mayers LIVE exclusive interview about the pornographic music video La Petite Mort

Alexandra Mayers (formerly known as pornstar Monica Foster) presents an exclusive interview with David Gunn of the metal band King 810 ( ).
Alexandra Mayers and David Gunn discuss King 810’s groundbreaking song & music video La Petite Mort (Conversations With God), what inspired the song and the creative process that led to incorporating hard core pornography in the music video (which can be viewed exclusively on

In addition Alexandra Mayers and David Gunn discuss issues pertaining to child abuse in the Catholic church, how the issue is illustrated in the King 810 Alpha & Omega music video and how tackling the horrific crime of child abuse and pedophilia seems to be a part of the “matrix” (mass consciousness) that many artists are tapping into in effort to address and eradicate the problem.

David Gunn & his band’s official website is
Twitter: @King810Flint
Instagram: @King810Flint

What an interesting start to the week after…

What an interesting start to the week… after I post this, I’m returning to my musical realm, but I’ll tell you – there has been one hell of a strange vibe in the air the past few days.

Get yourself in the mood to read the latest as to what’s happening in the porn blogosphere by imbibing the shot of music on the first post from a band called King 810 on the first post… then follow it up by reading the next few posts as a chaser.

Being a porn industry independent investigative blogger has been an interesting time…but I want more. Sometimes once you finally get the “power” you thought you wanted, you realize that it’s just not a good fit for who you are.

Lately piano only rough edition final https www…

Lately (piano only rough edition – final)

Enjoy this piano only rough edition of “Lately” – an original song by Alexandra Mayers and the first single from the music album Christian Pornstar vol. 1 (by Alexandra Mayers of

The complete pop version of this song can be found on

Look for more music, art & thoughts from the Christian Pornstar spiritual movement on (website set to re-launch in June of 2017).

This song has been registered with the copyright office of the United States of America.

Lately (piano only rough edition preview) – Christian Pornstar vol. 1 – Alexandra Mayers music

the official piano only rough edition preview of “Lately” – the first single from the music album Christian Pornstar vol. 1 (by Alexandra Mayers of

The complete pop version of this song can be found on

This song has been registered with the copyright office of the United States of America.

This is my final LIVE webcast of Alexandra…

This is my final LIVE webcast of Alexandra Mayers LIVE (unless I’m conducting an open discussion). I will continue to post pre-recorded webcasts as long as the higher powers I believe in feel is needed.

Follow my music on and my spiritual, thought and art movement on

Peace out.

Transcript of the video above “We All Are ONE”:

Alright, hello everyone once more, it’s me Alexandra Mayers on a supplemental Alexandra Mayers LIVE webcast.

I wasn’t planning on coming back on here after my earlier webcast , but after I logged off I thought about a few things, and I thought to myself “You know what, enough’s enough”.

My webcast earlier tonight focused on the injustices that Black performers face, but you know what – sometimes injustices are blessings in disguise.

There’s been quite the debate over… well really since American pornography’s conception – in regards to how Black performers are treated – and yea – they’re treated badly. Black males and females receive far lower rates than their counterparts of other ethnicities. When I was in the adult entertainment industry that was something that I consistently I fought against, something I contended with, something that really pissed me off.

But when I think back, with my mindset today, I’m glad that I was treated as badly as I was, because anyone who’s treated well in the adult entertainment industry – you’re basically being given a false sense of security. You’re being told that somehow you’re “oh so great” and “oh, everything going to be fine” – and really if you are a white performer, specifically a little blond girl, you’re being told one of the biggest lies on the planet, and I feel sorry for you. I’m glad I was given a rough ride…I’m real glad because at least that rough ride led me down a path to where my mind opened up in regards to the truth a lot faster than the blonde girls.

That’s the reality.

You know, tonight, I’m not just talking about porn – I’m talking about life. I’m talking about politics, I’m talking about religion, I’m talking society – mainstream, adult, I don’t care what it is. I’m telling you what is what…

The reality is that it’s not the extremes on either side… be you extremely white or extremely black or extremely asian – or maybe some other thing that I can’t really think of at this moment, but you have a lot of jerks in the world who love to use the war tactic of “divide and conquer”.

When you look at the roots of racism, prejudice, bigotry…anything negative that divides us – if you look really deep and really closely at who’s behind it, it’s not who you would think it is. It’s the people who are able to straddle the fence. It’s the people to where you look at them and you think “Hmmm, is that person white, or are they black or are they somewhere in between?”

Really what you need to look at are the people who are able to utilize the “divide and conquer” method to their advantage for getting ahead in life. That’s something very important from everyone to keep in mind when they look at a lot of the societal divisions that are not just growing and not just in place right now, but that are adamantly being cultivated within our world.

It makes me so sick – it really does.

When you look at racism and prejudice, please do not just look at skin color, because sometimes there are people who have the “complexion for the protection” that can be your strongest advocates, and there’s others who might be an extreme of what you are… they may be blacker than night or lighter than the brightest day – who in actuality are your enemy, and who seek to enslave you… because they feel that if they do, they’re getting ahead and that maybe they’ll get some sort of reward from whatever powers that be (that ultimately seek to enslave all of us).

There’s a lot of jerks who have looked at me and thought to themselves “ooooh this is a mouth piece that I can use to my advantage. Let me plant some seeds of hate within this little Black girl” (but that’s the thing, I’m not a Black girl…I’m a Black woman) “to see what she can do to further my plight or agenda…to give me an advantage”. And to those of you who thought that you could do that… I don’t just want you to go to hell… I want you to live extraordinarily long lives so that you have to sit there and watch me strategically replace each and every one of you with individuals who are far more moral, far more ethical, who have far more common sense and who have a soul – because that ain’t you…not at all.

And a lot of you who are watching this webcast right now, you know exactly who I’m talking to and who I’m addressing.

For the past seven years I have sought the truth. Initially I thought that it was the truth of pornography, and then I thought “oh maybe it’s the truth of politics”, then I thought “oh maybe it’s just the truth of how the world works”, but you know what truth I was really seeking? The truth of who I am. The truth of the kind of person I am…psychologically, spiritually and emotionally.

And you know what, I love the person that I Alexandra Mayers, formerly known as Monica Foster is. I really love myself, but I don’t just love myself…I love those who love AND support me…and I want all of you out there to know that is one of the keys to life.

I’m not going to sit here and act like I know every single key to life because I don’t, but I know that one of the primary keys to being a successful human being is surrounding yourself with and only listening to the opinions of people who both love and support you…love isn’t enough and support – that’s not enough either…it has to be both…it really does.

I’m very fortunate to have been born with a really good brain. A brain that I have a heart, soul and consciousness that’s aware enough to utilize. There’s some people who focus primarily on their heart. There’s some people who are all about soul. There are some people who are completely logic based…but you can’t only be those three.

You know they say that there’s only a certain amount of personality types but that’s not the truth. The truth is there are infinite possibilities. The truth is miracles are real. And the ultimate truth is that nothing is impossible. That’s something that all of us need to not just realize but take to heart…we really do.

You know, later this year I’m going to be on tour. I’ll be on my Christian Pornstar tour which is going to be a focus on the Christian Pornstar movement…which is all about my thoughts, my art and my music. I am so grateful to the powers that be that created me to be able to explore that part of who I am and that part of my life that I didn’t have the confidence really to present to many of you over the years.

But what I want all of you to keep in mind, is not to let the evil that’s a major part of our world control your thoughts, control your feelings… your emotions, your soul your being. Don’t let that evil plant that seed of hate.

Don’t acknowledge color lines, don’t acknowledge religion…not when it draws you to start to hate somebody. Don’t acknowledge politics when it draws you to hate somebody – because it’s all a great big trick.
The powers that be don’t want us to realize that we are all one. The good and the bad, the light and the dark, the black and the white. We’re all one.

Just as there might be a saint running around doing a great thing, that saint wouldn’t exist if their counterpart who walks with the evil wasn’t doing the same. The key to life is balance. You have to acknowledge both.
I have watched and explored the dark side for quite some time…but now, I’m saying goodbye to it – to explore the light side. Now in life will I ever explore the dark again? I might…I’m actually fairly certain that I will within the light side. A lot of my art and a lot of my music that I’ll be producing independently which will be of the light would not be if I had not been inspired by the dark.

So that’s just something that I want all of you to keep in mind as you walk your own personal path…whatever it is that you do … whoever it is that you are, or whoever it is that you seek to be.

I think the most important thing is that you never let or allow anyone to tell you who to be, because you were born with everything you ever needed to know to know who the hell it was, or is, that you should be regardless of your religion – be you Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Wiccan…even a Satanist… or maybe somewhere in between. Maybe you don’t acknowledge religion – maybe you don’t need it…

But I think that we all need to adhere to the Golden Rule, and treat others in the same regard that we desire to be treated.

Alright, that’s all that I wanted to say this evening. Thanks for popping in and listening…and I hope you all have a good weekend. If you want to learn more about who I am today, just visit or you can go to – and that URL will forward you wherever it is that you are meant to go.

See ya later.

Alexandra Mayers LIVE 90 days of fitness &…

Alexandra Mayers LIVE – 90 days of fitness & the enslavement, replacement & disposal of white women
In this webcast, Alexandra takes on a 90 day fitness challenge and
discusses the strategic enslavement, replacement and disposal of
american white women.

Alexandra also announces her 2017 Christian pornstar music and event tour and outlines the Christian Pornstar movement, music & visual art which will be accessible soon exclusively on

The christian pornstar event and music tour will have stops in the following
cities: Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Houston, Denver, Seattle and Miami

The primary focus of this webcast revolves around Elizabeth warren, the horrific fact that the current political establishment has ties to white nationalists, the strategic targeting and destruction of white american women by those with the mentality of today’s racist Trump supporter & that Melania Trump was indeed a sex worker considering that she worked as a nude model willing to do lesbian sexual acts on camera (for Jarl Ale Alexandre De Basseville specifically).

Alexandra Mayers aka Monica Foster Lately Christian Pornstar…

Alexandra Mayers aka Monica Foster – Lately – Christian Pornstar volume 01 – lyric video

Lately – the premier single from the Christian Pornstar volume 1 album by Alexandra Mayers – lyric video

For more music from Alexandra Mayers and the story behind this song visit and